Martial Classic Interlude Client
Martial Patch
In order to play on the server, it is necessary to download our client as the old Interlude Client is not compatible.
To address the issue of an antivirus alert detecting a false positive virus, caused by our launcher automatically downloading files from the internet to update game files, you should include the lineage2 folder in the Windows Defender and Antivirus Whitelist.
How to Install and Connect
Step 1. Download Lineage2 NEW Classic Interlude Plus+ Client
Step 2. Extract the Client in your PC (pass: l2warland)
Step 3. Download L2Martial Patch
Step 4. Extract and replace files in Game Folder (pass: l2martial)
Step 5.Add L2Martial Lineage2 Folder on Antivirus / Windows Defender White List, to avoid problems with antivirus
Step 6. Run as Admin WindowsDefenderWhiteList.bat from l2 folder
Step 7. Run StartMartial.exe in Game Folder
( C:\\Programs Files\\Lineage II\\StartMartial.exe )
Step 8. Register an account in Game Control Panel
Step 9. Push Play Button